A prayer to St. Joachim, husband of St. Anne, father the the Blessed Virgin Mary
O SANCTE IOACHIM, cui recte id nomen est inditum, quod Praeparationem Domini significat. Tu enim ad vivum Dei templum praeparandum a Deo electus es, in quo Filio eius unigenito habitare placuit. O beatissime Pater, a quo processit illa Filia, quae in Dei Matrem ac caeli terraeque Reginam est assumpta! O quanto illam amore et reverentia excepisti! qua cura et sollicitudine enutrivisti! quam praeclaro humilitatis, religionis ac pietatis exemplo proli tuae carissimae cunctisque mortalibus praeluxisti; tuis me precibus. o Sancte Ioachim, adiuva, ut et ego gratum Deo domicilium in corde meo praeparem constantique pietatis affectu illud exorem. Amen. |
O SAINT JOACHIM, to whom that name was rightly given, as it signifies the “Preparation of the Lord”. For thou wert chosen by God to prepare the Living temple of God, in which He was pleased that His only-begotten Son should dwell. O most blessed Father, from whom came forth that Daughter who was to become the Mother of God and to be taken up to be the Queen of heaven and earth! With what great love and reverence thou didst receive her! With what care and diligence thou didst nurture her! With what glorious examples of humility, devotion, and piety didst thou shine forth for thy most beloved child and for all mortals! By thy prayers, O Saint Joachim, help me to prepare a dwelling place pleasing to God in my heart and to preserve it with steadfast devotion. Amen. |
From Gaudentius, ''Orate, Fratres'', 1901 pp 384, Tr. MWM.
See also ''Coeleste Palmetum'', 1741, 1872, 1879, and 1890.