Contents Litaniae Iesu Christi Divini Magistri
Litany of Jesus Christ, Divine Master

Written by Fr. Michele Giuseppe D'Agostino SSP from Pentecost 2002 until 2007. His order, the Society of Saint Paul (SSP), was founded by Blessed Fr Giacomo Alberione. Fr. Alberione was an Italian Catholic priest, and the founder of the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd, the Sisters of Mary Queen of the Apostles, and other religious institutes, which form the Pauline Family. He was born 4 April 1884 and died on 26 November 1971 in Rome. He was declared venerable on 25 June 1996, and was beatified on 27 April 2003 by Pope John Paul II.

For private use only

Kyrie, eleison
R. Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
R. Lord, have mercy.
Christe, eleison
R. Christe, eleison.
Christ, have mercy.
R. Christ, have mercy.
Kyrie, eleison
R. Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
R. Lord, have mercy.
Christe, audi nos
R. Christe, audi nos.
Christ, hear us.
R. Christ, hear us.
Christe, exaudi nos
R. Christe, exaudi nos.
Christ, graciously hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
Pater de caelis Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God the Father in Heaven,
R. Have mercy on us.
Fili Redemptor mundi Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
Spiritus Sancte Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God the Holy Spirit,
R. Have mercy on us.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus
R. miserere nobis.
Holy Trinity, one God,
R. Have mercy on us.
Iesu Magister, Via, Veritas et Vita,
R. miserere nobis.
Jesus, Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life,
R. Have mercy on us.
Iesus Magister dicit:
Ego sum Via: nolite timere, Ego vobiscum sum.
Jesus the Master, said:
I am the Way: do not fear, I am with you.
Iesu Magister, mediator Dei et hominum,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, mediator between God and man,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, via quae ducit ad Patrem,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, the Way which leads to the Father,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, auxilium vitae,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, the help of life,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in labore requies,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, rest in our labors,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in fletu solacium,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, solace in our tears,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in temptatione refugium,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, refuge in our temptation,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in metu spes,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, hope in our anxiety,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in maerore spes,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, hope in our sorrow,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, in infirmitate solacium,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, comfort in our infirmities,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, auxilium periclitantium,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, help of those in peril,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, solacium cordium dolore confectorum,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, solace of hearts overcome with pain,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, dux apostolorum,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, leader of the apostles,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, auxilium missionariorum,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, help of missionaries,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, exemplum virtutum omnium et humilitatis,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, example of all virtues and humility,
R. Remain with us.
Iesu Magister, qui nos ditas thesauris tuae gratiae,
R. mane nobiscum.
Jesus, Master, who enriches us with the treasury of Thy grace,
R. Remain with us.
Iesus Magister dicit:
Ego sum Veritas, (ab) hinc illuminare volo.
Jesus the Master, said:
I am the Truth, from here I want to enlighten.
Iesu Magister, Salvator mundi,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, Savior of the world,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, Verbum aeterni Patris,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, Eternal Word of the Father,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, lux vera mundi,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, true light of the world,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, exemplar vitae interioris,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, model of the interior life,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, in dubio lux,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, light in our doubt,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, dives in misericordia erga peccatores,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, rich in mercy towards sinners,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, splendor lucis aeternae,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, splendor of eternal light,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, fons sapientiae et scientiae,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, fount of wisdom and knowledge,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, finis sacrarum Scripturarum,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, the end of Sacred Scripture,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, docens in Ecclesia,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, teaching in the Church,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, lux credentium,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, light of believers,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, lux familiarum,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, light of families,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, exemplar vitae consecratae,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, model of the consecrated life,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, exemplar sacerdotum,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, model of priests,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesu Magister, fons verae pacis et gaudii,
R. in te speramus.
Jesus, Master, font of true peace and joy,
R. In Thee we hope.
Iesus Magister dicit:
Ego sum Vita: cor paenitens tenete.
Jesus the Master says:
I am the Life: keep a penitent heart.
Iesu Magister, Fili dilecte Patris,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, beloved Son of the Father,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, qui es rex et dominus totius universi,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, who art King and Lord of all creation,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, sacerdos et victima,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, priest and sacrifice,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, quem Maria in sinu portavit,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, whom Mary carried in her arms,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, cuius cor est amoris et misericordiae plenus,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, whose heart is full of love and mercy,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, medice nostrarum animarum,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, doctor of our souls,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, bone pastor qui tuam vitam das,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, good shepherd who gave his life for us,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, ovilis porta,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, gate of the sheepfold,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, qui es panis vivus de caelo descendens,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, who art the living bread descending from heaven,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, fons aquae vivae salientis in vitam aeternam,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, fount of living water gushing in eternal life,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, vitis vera nos inebrians,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, true vine inebriating us,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, qui es verus et fidelis amicus hominis,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, who art the true and faithful friend of man,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, resurrectio et vita,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, the resurrection and the life,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, sponsus nostrarum animarum,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, spouse of our souls,
R. In thee we trust.
Iesu Magister, spes moerentium,
R. in te confidimus.
Jesus, Master, hope of the grieving,
R. In thee we trust.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. parce nobis, Domine.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. exaudi nos, Domine.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. miserere nobis.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Iesu Magister Via, Veritas et Vita,
R. in me vive ut vivam in te.
Jesus, Master, the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
R. Live in me that I may live in Thee.
Oremus, Pater infinitae clementiae et misericordiae, qui in dilectissimo Filio tuo Iesu Christo, Divino Magistro, abundantes divitiae tuae immensae gratiae nobis revelasti, fac ut in nostris cordibus Sancti Evangelii lux splendeat et nos in mundo annuntiare possimus Illum esse Viam, Veritatem et Vitam. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum. Amen. Let us pray
Father of infinite clemency and mercy, who in Thy most beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Divine Master, hast revealed to us the abundances of Thine immeasurable divine grace, grant that the light of the Holy Gospel may shine brightly in our hearts, and that we are able make known to the world He, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through Chris Amen.

By Fr. Michele Giuseppe D'Agostino SSP.

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